Thursday, July 19, 2007

They went to 11

So, that's how you want to play it, eh, HJ1? Well, I'll see your vomit-inducing shipper video and raise you one.

I guess we'll have to brace ourselves for XF II: Electric Boogaloo. According to the actors it's going to be a stand-alone story with no connection to the mytharc. Typical. And what of WillJu? Are we going back in time to a more carefree time in the dynamic duo's life, before the demon spawn (ohpleaseohpleaseohplease)? What government agency will be fingered as the Ultimate Evil THIS TIME? (My vote is for the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Take that, Alphonso Jackson!)

In other news, last night I had an incredible experience. I went and saw the School of Rock All-Stars, and it was one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen. They opened and closed with Zeppelin, and it was 24 karat rock gold in between. There were 22 kids, aged 9-18, an equal number of boys & girls, and every one of them insanely talented. They did Van Halen, Black Sabbath, Rush, Yes, Steely Dan, and more. All I can say is, you haven't lived until you've seen an adorable 9-year-old girl shred out a face-melting guitar solo on a guitar that's almost as big as she is.

Lastly, a snapshot from today: at the grocery store I passed two enormous burly biker dudes clad head to toe in leather and tattoos arguing with each other about which brand of feta cheese to buy and how long it needed to be refrigerated. Oh, California.

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